Life's Little Desserts Are Free

Tuesday, January 17, 2012


My boyfriend, Raynor has to walk to work every morning at 6:30. Because it's January, the sun is no where near rising at this time. Also, his job is a 30-40 min walk up a highway!

So this morning, when there was a severe thunderstorm warning (yes, I know, in January? Crazy!) I begged him to not walk in it. The rain was pouring, the wind was blowing so that the rain was almost horizontal, the lighting and thunder was overpowering.

He refused. He wanted to get to work on time.

My mom called me to alert me to the weather situation and offered that my dad could swing by and pick him up after work. However, my dad got off work when Raynor was supposed to be clocking in, and Raynor would rather walk than be late.

He's stubborn, yet punctual.

Right before he left my nerves got the better of me and I started to cry. The weather was getting awful and the last thing I wanted was for it to start hailing (which it did) or a limb to fall on him, or something similar.

He frequently gets rides from coworkers when the weather is crummy (it's only a 5 minute drive, if that) so I suggested he just call Arby's and see if there was someone to take him.

He called, said "hey it's Raynor." and they're response was "need a ride?"

That easy. He was on time and safe. And I was very thankful.

The storm is now a tornado warning. Fun, fun!

Sorry to wrap this up so quick but I have to get ready for work.

Monday, September 20, 2010

Lately, I have been excited to announce that I am moving in with my boyfriend and his roommate here in November. I'm nervous only because we have such a small amount of time to find a place that makes us all happy. We are looking for a 2 or 3 bedroom apartment or house with relatively low rent rates and reasonable utilities.

i'm actually pretty pumped to just live with Raynor. I'm over at his house 85-90% of the time anyway. The only times I stay at my own house is when I have to work in the morning at such an early time that I would much rather take the short walk than force Raynor to wake up and drive me.

I'm excited to have groceries in the same place as him. He does his own grocery shopping as do I. But since I spend so much time at his place, all of my groceries go unused. When I am at home, I make myself dinner every night. And when we are his apartment we usually have a light, less-than-desirable meal because we lack groceries, we go out to eat which adds up quickly, or we go grocery shopping specifically when I want to cook something special.

it'll be nice to just have groceries all the time.

speaking of groceries (i must be hungry!), I quit target. I have until Oct. 1st before my discount because unusable. So next week, Raynor and I are going on a major shopping trip so that we can use my discount to its fullest one last time. He did that right before his last day by buying an iPod.

Raynor and I are really happy right now. We had a day last month where we started discussing his belief in Polygamy. I don't put it against him because his dad was and being raised around something, it's hard to see where and why it is wrong.

We were talking about the fact that our 1 year anniversary is coming up on Oct. 13. And he was just like "well, you know...if you ever wanna ..." and we got into a pretty large debate/fight about "why can't my love be enough to satisfy you?"
and i think he thought i was going to break up with him.
it really shook him, that idea. he even told me so.
he has been particularly more attached than normal, which is not a bad thing by any means. I wished that he would be.

i'm not saying he is clingy. because he isn't. he is just right. gives me my space but if i don't text him for a while, he'll remind me that he loves me and/or misses me and/or is just thinking about me.

after about 3 or 4 days of not seeing him (which is rare but is happening more frequently because I am currently employed in 3 different locations), he starts to call me and text me more, simply because he is missing me more than he was at first. and that makes me really happy.

i'm happy all around right now.

except for Target. Target is honestly the most depressing thing in my life. Next comes Deb. Target sucks the life out of me. It is no fun anymore, and compared to just doesn't compare. I am absolutely head over heals in love with Subway. I'm sure that will wear off eventually but right now I am just in love with the people, the owner, the concept, the comradery (sp?), the team work, the effort, the environment. I love it!
deb, well, it was drama right from the get go. We had only 2 managers - one general manager and one assistant. Well, the team was really short staffed and they were able to hire a lot of new people. Davina (asst manager) and Jess' (general manager) management styles differed but the store ran pretty smoothly. Our district manager Rhonda had been in a few times and had said that our store looked really good and she was really proud of our development.
the next day she fired Jess.
that same day a new manager came in who had all these horrible opinions of our store.
the next week Rhonda came in and told Davina the store looked great.
the next day she told Debbie (new manager) everything that sucked about our store and made her fix it...automatically pinning the two managers against each other.
two sales associates have quit due to the drama and I'm going to be behind them here shortly.
I do not want to leave them short handed during the holiday seasons but i'm pretty sure that as soon as december comes and goes, I will quit. I do not enjoy the job, the customers, the new manager, the district manager is rude to me.... Subway is my dream job and I cannot wait until we have our own store and are not training out of the small store in the mall.

There still isn't an opening date but it's soon and I'm SOOOO excited.
The point of this blog was to just talk about everything on my mind lately. Not for anyone to read. hopefully i didn't bore you to sleep if you did read all of this.

signing off. gonna go see Scott Pilgrim vs the world again with Raynor, Chris, Domino, and dustin.

will talk later about how much I love my friends.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

I AM working on myself. I promise.

I have always noticed (and been told) that I am a very outspoken person. I say things that are private when I shouldn't. I say things that are rude or gossipy or distressed sounding just to start a conversation. I don't do these things knowingly, it's all subconscious. And almost every time hindsight kicks in almost immediately and I say to myself, "now, should I have said that?" or "how else could I have put that?"

Today, I was really shaken by how what I say can hurt people.

But please let me go back. My sophomore year of high school I wrote a story about the school's Domino's pizza delivery guy. He delivered over 500 pizzas to North high school every day every week until he was fired. And he was fired because of the story about him that I published in our school newspaper. In it, in a very small paragraph, it maybe said something like "I don't really like being a pizza delivery guy."

When one of your sources is the owner of all of the Bloomington Domino's, it is 100% guaranteed that he is going to read that and maybe, just maybe, not like hearing about how his best delivery guy is saving up money to go to school and get out of Dominos. That man was fired from his job. Just moved to bloomington, just got a great job that paid well, and I ruined it.

Well, a couple days I let slip to our boss that Raynor doesn't care for his job. Sometimes it's hard to remember that Chasity is our boss. Especially when it's 10 o'clock at night, you're driving with the windows down and radio blasting chasing deer and bunnies down the road. Needless to say, she brought it up with Raynor, who then politely told me to watch what I say and to leave that kind of information for him to disclose himself.

It really hit me (hard) how horrible it is when I don't censor what comes out of my mouth. I never thought that I would jeopardize someone's job (like that) again. Not only did I jeopardize someone's job, i did it to my boyfriend! I had to excuse myself from the counter at work to go calm myself down because it upset me so much.

Please know that I am working on it. If I've ever done this to you (said something hurtful, rude, private, etc) please forgive me. It eats at me that I am like this. And if you have any advice for me, throw it at me! Luckily, I have a very understanding boyfriend and I can promise that I won't ever do that again.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

deviantART - *tankgirl3366

So I recently discovered TankGirl3366 on deviantART. I was listening to Muse and happened upon her most recent drawing titled "A Dream of Death."

All of her artwork is so beautiful and i found her Etsy page and then her email. I contacted her about wanting some of her art on t-shirts and I recommended that she sell the t-shirts on her page alongside the prints. I really hope that she gets back to me. I'd love to hear what she has to say and if she does it, I'll be the first to buy for sure! Something about her art just speaks to me. And of course, there could be some Muse influence also.

So I'm debating about going to a St. Patrick's Day party tomorrow or to a pub up in Zionsville with Raynor's family. I just can't decide!

I haven't posted in a while so I thought I'd just come by and update. Happy St. Patrick's Day, All!!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Woo, I'm getting so good!!!

I really need to find a new hobby(obsession?) but for now, this works!!! And I'm getting really good at it!!

Also, I thought it would be hard to draw with a laptop mouse pad but it's rather easy once you get the hang of it!

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Apartment Shopping

I am trying to think of things that I will need (a year from now) when I move into my own apartment. I figure I need to start now so that I can see if things are on sale/clearance/GoodWill, i can grab them and cross them off my list. I have things as small as tupperware containers, plastic wrap, a can opener, etc. to things as big as a bed, a vacuum, etc.

When you moved out of your parents house for the first time, what was it that you realized you had relied on your parents for and forgotten was important?

I would love advice for my move (again, next January).

Monday, February 15, 2010

Things I remember being cool in the 90's!

My cousin Sarah talked about this in her blog, See You Be You, so along with the things she said she remembers being cool in the 90's (beaded hair after a vacation, Jonathan Taylor Thomas, Alanis Morisette's Jagged Little Pill CD), I remember ....

The world's richest children?

I did not have sexual relations with that woman

You were a cool kid if you had one of these to listen to your cassette tapes on!

Do I even need to say more?

Hanson! =D

those foam platform shoes

Spice Girls/World

I don't remember these ever being okay but I certainly know they were more acceptable in the 90's.

Doing your hair with one of those topsy tail things

What do you remember from the 90's? Cute post, Sarah! =)