Tuesday, March 16, 2010

deviantART - *tankgirl3366

So I recently discovered TankGirl3366 on deviantART. I was listening to Muse and happened upon her most recent drawing titled "A Dream of Death."

All of her artwork is so beautiful and i found her Etsy page and then her email. I contacted her about wanting some of her art on t-shirts and I recommended that she sell the t-shirts on her page alongside the prints. I really hope that she gets back to me. I'd love to hear what she has to say and if she does it, I'll be the first to buy for sure! Something about her art just speaks to me. And of course, there could be some Muse influence also.

So I'm debating about going to a St. Patrick's Day party tomorrow or to a pub up in Zionsville with Raynor's family. I just can't decide!

I haven't posted in a while so I thought I'd just come by and update. Happy St. Patrick's Day, All!!