Tuesday, January 17, 2012


My boyfriend, Raynor has to walk to work every morning at 6:30. Because it's January, the sun is no where near rising at this time. Also, his job is a 30-40 min walk up a highway!

So this morning, when there was a severe thunderstorm warning (yes, I know, in January? Crazy!) I begged him to not walk in it. The rain was pouring, the wind was blowing so that the rain was almost horizontal, the lighting and thunder was overpowering.

He refused. He wanted to get to work on time.

My mom called me to alert me to the weather situation and offered that my dad could swing by and pick him up after work. However, my dad got off work when Raynor was supposed to be clocking in, and Raynor would rather walk than be late.

He's stubborn, yet punctual.

Right before he left my nerves got the better of me and I started to cry. The weather was getting awful and the last thing I wanted was for it to start hailing (which it did) or a limb to fall on him, or something similar.

He frequently gets rides from coworkers when the weather is crummy (it's only a 5 minute drive, if that) so I suggested he just call Arby's and see if there was someone to take him.

He called, said "hey it's Raynor." and they're response was "need a ride?"

That easy. He was on time and safe. And I was very thankful.

The storm is now a tornado warning. Fun, fun!

Sorry to wrap this up so quick but I have to get ready for work.

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